An updated list of my publications can be obtained from the SLAC archive
PHM11 - Statistical Mechanics and Critical Phenomena
PH312 - Option Experiments PPC
PH353 - Introductory Modelling of Physical Systems
PH207 - Solid State Physics (05-07 and 06-07)
Other interests
As many Lattice Gauge Theorists, I like to play with Linux, which is my OS of
choice. I have tried and I still try almost any (major) flavour of
Linux (excluding Gentoo), but in the last few years my favourite has
been Kubuntu.
Linux for me is not just a hobby, it's also some sort of a job:
although less and less as time goes by, I still write some
articles for Linux magazines (among which Linux Format and the Italian Linux Pro). You can get some of my
articles from the Linux Format archive (contact me if you can't find what you are interested in).
When I am not in the office or babysitting the kids, you are likely
to find me cycling around the Gower, training for the Dragon Ride (any taker?).
Since October 2006 I am the maintainer of the UK and Ireland
Theoretical Physics jobs rumour mill.