Introduction: gases, liquids and solids; regularities in solids and crystals
Packing of spheres and packing fraction; basic crystal structures: simple cube, face centred cube, body centred cube and hexagonal closed packed
Discrete translations, lattice, primitive vectors and primitive cells; crystal as lattice + basis; Bravais lattices (handed out problem set n. 1)
Reciprocal lattice; first Brillouin zone; X-Ray diffraction
Von Laue condition; Bragg condition; Ewald construction; experimental methods (continuous spectrum; rotating crystal; powder camera) (handed out problem set n. 2)
Structure factor and atomic form factor; calculation of the structure factor for case of the Face Centred Cube structure; discussion of a powder camera experiment for a crystal with a simple cubic structure
Correction problem set number 1
Binding in general; ionic bond: Coulomb term, Mandelung constant, hard core repulsion (handed out problem set n. 3)
The Van der Vaals and Lennard-Jones potentials; phenomenological parameters and their determination
Hydrogen bonds; covalent bonds; mention of the metalic bond
Correction of problem set n. 2
Lattice vibrations; phonon-vibration duality; modes of a monoatomic chain in one dimension
Correction problem set n. 3
Mode of a biatomic chain: acoustic and optical branches (handed out problem set n. 4)
Acoustic and optical frequencies in the long wavelength limit and at the edge of the Brillouin zone; frequency bands and frequency gaps; amplitudes of the oscillations for the optical and acoustic modes
Absorbtion of photons by a crystal ("Reststrahlen"); crystals at finite temperature: the Dulong-Petit law confronts experiments
Correction problem set n. 4 (handed out problem set n. 5)
Statistical Mechanics of the Quantum oscillator; internal energy and heat capacity for a system of independent oscillators; the density of states
The Einstein model and its high and low temperature limits
The Debye model: density of states, internal energy, specific heat; the high and low temperature limits of the models (handed out problem set n. 6)
Correction of problem set n. 5; revision
Correction of problem set n. 6; revision
Problem sets: 1 2 3 4 5 6