Theoretical Particle Physics Group


      S. Prem Kumar (Professor)

PhD. (1998), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.

Department of Physics, Swansea University, SA2 8PP. 
Telephone: +44 (0) 1792 602283
+44 (0) 1792 295324

          Research interests:  My research interests are in String Theory and Quantum Field Theory,
                                                  specifically centred around gauge/gravity duality (`holography').
           My publications:  (SLAC HEP-INSPIRES Database)

          Brief CV:             B.Tech. (Elec. Engg. 1993) Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (Chennai, India) ;
                                     PhD. (1998), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh;
                                     Postdoc (1998-2000) U. of Washington, Seattle;
                                     Postdoc + STFC Advanced Fellow (2000-03) Swansea University;
                                     Postdoc + STFC Advanced Fellow (2003-05)   Cambridge U.;
                                     Permanent Faculty (2005 -) Swansea University.