
Your incoming email (once it is registered) goes to pyserver.

It is preferable that you use an email client on your desktop linux PC so that it reads your email from pyserver automatically.

If you have a new machine (like a new laptop) then this machine will have to have its ip number registered with pyserver for this to work.

To set-up your email client to read from pyserver, and to send email, you should follow the following instructions:

Setting up an email client (e.g. Mozilla Thunderbird, Evolution, Outlook)

You should set your email address (i.e. the email address that your outgoing email will appear to come from) to be the one given to you by our systems administrator. For postgrads it will be in the form: where 123456 is your student record number and/or where pyuser is your pyserver username.

For postdocs and staff it will be in the form: where a.einstein is your name.

For receiving emails, set the following:

For sending emails from a workstation within the university:

For sending emails from a laptop or maching which may be used outside the university:

Reading your email via a web browser from anywhere is the portal for reading email from our mailserver (pyserver). You can link to this page from any web browser anywhere in the world (windows or linux). To log in to this email portal, you should enter your pyserver username name and password. You should be able to view your email folders etc as if you were accessing from a local email client and you can set various preferences using the Options button (at the middle top of the page).

Sending email to theory group members

The following email lists/aliases have been defined on pyserver:

with all defined as

pyall = pystaff + pypostdocs + pystudents + pyothers

(The category pyothers is for e.g. visiting academics etc.)

So, if you want to send an email to, e.g. all current theory group postdocs, then

(i) make sure you are on a local UWS machine (e.g. logged onto your desktop PC in the department)

(ii) use your mail client to send the email to pypostdocs@pyserver

NOTE that this will not work if you are sending the email from a machine outside Swansea

Chris Allton 2011-04-03