Prof Gert Aarts FLSW
Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor for Postgraduate Research (DPVC-PGR)
Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor for Postgraduate Research (DPVC-PGR)

List of Publications
- Stochastic weight matrix dynamics during learning and Dyson Brownian motion (with Biagio Lucini and Chanju Park), arXiv:2407.16427 [cond-mat.dis-nn].
- Diffusion models as stochastic quantization in lattice field theory (with Lingxiao Wang and Kai Zhou), JHEP 05 (2024) 060 (pdf) [arXiv:2309.17082 [hep-lat]].
- Scalar field Restricted Boltzmann Machine as an ultraviolet regulator (with Biagio Lucini and Chanju Park), Phys. Rev. D 109 (2024) 034521 (pdf) [arXiv:2309.15002 [hep-lat]].
- Non-zero temperature study of spin 1/2 charmed baryons using lattice gauge theory (with Chris Allton, Naeem Anwar, Ryan Bignell, Timothy J. Burns, Benjamin Jäger, Jon-Ivar Skullerud), Eur. Phys. J. A 60 (2024) 59 (pdf) [arXiv:2308.12207 [hep-lat]].
- Phase transitions in particle physics: Results and perspectives from lattice Quantum Chromo-Dynamics (with Maria-Paolo Lombardo et al.) Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 133 (2023) 104070 (pdf) [arXiv:2301.04382 [hep-lat]].
- Open charm mesons at nonzero temperature: results in the hadronic phase from lattice QCD (with Chris Allton, Ryan Bignell, Timothy J. Burns, Sergio Chaves García-Mascaraque, Simon Hands, Benjamin Jäger, Seyong Kim, Sinead M. Ryan and Jon-Ivar Skullerud) [arXiv:2209.14681 [hep-lat]].
- Snowmass 2021 Computational Frontier CompF03 Topical Group Report: Machine Learning (with Phiala Shanahan et al) [arXiv:2209.07559 [physics.comp-ph]].
- Applications of machine learning to lattice quantum field theory (with Denis Boyda, Salvatore Cali, Sam Foreman, Lena Funcke, Daniel C. Hackett, Yin Lin, Andrei Alexandru, Xiao-Yong Jin, Biagio Lucini, Phiala E. Shanahan), (pdf) [arXiv:2202.05838 [hep-lat]].
- Inverse renormalization group in quantum field theory (with Dimitrios Bachtis, Francesco di Renzo and Biagio Lucini), Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 (2022) 081603 (pdf) [arXiv:2107.00466 [hep-lat]].
- Theory of hot matter and relativistic heavy-ion collisions (THOR) (with Jörg Aichelin, Marcus Bleicher, Elena G Ferreiro, Laura Tolos, Boris Tomášik), Eur. Phys. J. A 57 (2021) 1 (pdf)
- Long-range Ising interactions mediated by λφ4 fields: probing the renormalisation of sound in crystals of trapped ions (with Gonzalo Martín-Vázquez, Markus Müller and Alejandro Bermudez), PRX Quantum 3 (2022) 2, 020352 (pdf) [arXiv:2105.06886 [quant-ph]].
- Quantum field-theoretic machine learning (with Dimitrios Bachtis and Biagio Lucini), Phys. Rev. D 103 (2021) 074510 (pdf) [arXiv:2102.09449 [hep-lat]].
- Adding machine learning within Hamiltonians: Renormalization group transformations, symmetry breaking and restoration (with Dimitrios Bachtis and Biagio Lucini), Phys. Rev. Research 3 (2021) 013134 (pdf) [arXiv:2010.00054 [hep-lat]].
- Electrical conductivity of the quark-gluon plasma: perspective from lattice QCD (with Aleksandr Nikolaev), Eur. Phys. J. A 57 (2021) 118 (pdf) [arXiv:2008.12326 [hep-lat]].
- Properties of the QCD thermal transition with Nf=2+1 flavours of Wilson quark (with Chris Allton, Jonas Glesaaen, Simon Hands, Benjamin Jäger, Seyong Kim, Maria-Paola Lombardo, Aleksandr Nikolaev, Sinead Ryan, Jonivar Skullerud and Liang-Kai Wu), Phys. Rev. D 105 (2022) 034504 (pdf) [arXiv:2007.04188 [hep-lat]].
- A mapping of distinct phase transitions to a neural network (with Dimitrios Bachtis and Biagio Lucini), Phys. Rev. E 102 (2020) 053306 (pdf) [arXiv:2007.00355 [cond-mat.stat-mech]].
- Extending machine learning classification capabilities with histogram reweighting (with Dimitrios Bachtis and Biagio Lucini), Phys. Rev. E 102 (2020) 033303 (pdf) [arXiv:2004.14341 [cond-mat.stat-mech]].
- Artificial Intelligence (AI): Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy, Dwivedi, Y. K., Hughes, L., Ismagilova, E., Aarts, G., Coombs, C., Crick, T., ... & Galanos, V., International Journal of Information Management 57 (2021) 101994 (pdf).
- Hyperons in thermal QCD: A lattice view (with Chris Allton, Davide De Boni and Benjamin Jäger), Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019) 074503 (pdf) [arXiv:1812.07393 [hep-lat]].
- Quantum sensors for the generating functional of interacting quantum field theories (with Alejandro Bermudez and Markus Müller), Phys. Rev X 7 (2017) 041012 (pdf) [arXiv:1704.02877 [quant-ph]].
- Light baryons below and above the deconfinement transition: medium effects and parity doubling (with Chris Allton, Davide De Boni, Simon Hands, Benjamin Jäger, Chrisanthi Praki and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), JHEP 06 (2017) 034 (pdf) [arXiv:1703.09246 [hep-lat]].
- Complex Langevin dynamics and zeroes of the fermion determinant (with Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), JHEP 05 (2017) 044 (pdf) [arXiv:1701.02322 [hep-lat]].
- Heavy-flavor production and medium properties in high-energy nuclear collisions - What next? (with 48 others), Eur. Phys. J. A 53 (2017) 93 (pdf) [arXiv:1612.08032 [hep-lat]].
- The QCD phase diagram in the limit of heavy quarks using complex Langevin dynamics (with Felipe Attanasio, Benjamin Jäger and Denes Sexty), JHEP 09 (2016) 087 (pdf) [arXiv:1606.05561 [hep-lat]].
- Nucleons and parity doubling across the deconfinement transition (with Chris Allton, Simon Hands, Benjamin Jäger, Chrisanthi Praki and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), Phys. Rev. D 92 (2015) 014503 (pdf) [arXiv:1502.03603 [hep-lat]].
- Electrical conductivity and charge diffusion in thermal QCD from the lattice (with Chris Allton, Alessandro Amato, Pietro Giudice, Simon Hands and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), JHEP 02 (2015) 186 (pdf) [arXiv:1412.6411 [hep-lat]].
- Simulating QCD at nonzero baryon density to all orders in the hopping parameter expansion (with Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), Phys. Rev. D 90 (2014) 114505 (pdf) [arXiv:1408.3770 [hep-lat]].
- Some remarks on Lefschetz thimbles and complex Langevin dynamics (with Lorenzo Bongiovanni, Erhard Seiler and Denes Sexty), JHEP 10 (2014) 159 (pdf) [arXiv:1407.2090 [hep-lat]].
- The bottomonium spectrum at finite temperature from Nf=2+1 lattice QCD (with Chris Allton, Tim Harris, Seyong Kim, Maria Paola Lombardo, Sinead Ryan and Jonivar Skullerud), JHEP 07 (2014) 097 (pdf) [arXiv:1402.6210 [hep-lat]].
- Developments in lattice QCD for matter at high temperature and density, Pramana - J. Phys. 84 (2015) 787 (pdf) [arXiv:1312.0968 [hep-lat]].
- Melting of P wave bottomonium states in the quark-gluon plasma from lattice NRQCD (with Chris Allton, Seyong Kim, Maria Paola Lombardo, Sinead Ryan and Jonivar Skullerud), JHEP 12 (2013) 064 (pdf) [arXiv:1310.5467 [hep-lat]].
- Lefschetz thimbles and stochastic quantisation: Complex actions in the complex plane, Phys. Rev. D 88 (2013) 094501 (pdf) [arXiv:1308.4811 [hep-lat]].
- Electrical conductivity of the quark-gluon plasma across the deconfinement transition (with Alessandro Amato, Chris Allton, Pietro Giudice, Simon Hands and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 (2013) 172001 (pdf) [arXiv:1307.6763 [hep-lat]].
- Localised distributions and criteria for correctness in complex Langevin dynamics (with Pietro Giudice and Erhard Seiler), Annals Phys. 337 (2013) 238 (pdf) [arXiv:1306.3075 [hep-lat]].
- Controlling complex Langevin dynamics at finite density (with Lorenzo Bongiovanni, Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), Eur. Phys. J. A49 (2013) 89 (pdf) [arXiv:1303.6425 [hep-lat]].
- Stability of complex Langevin dynamics in effective models (with Frank James, Jan Pawlowski, Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), JHEP 03 (2013) 073 (pdf) [arXiv:1212.5231 [hep-lat]].
- S wave bottomonium states moving in a quark-gluon plasma from lattice NRQCD (with Chris Allton, Seyong Kim, Maria Paola Lombardo, Mehmet Bugrahan Oktay, Sinead Ryan, Don Sinclair and Jonivar Skullerud), JHEP 03 (2013) 084 (pdf) [arXiv:1210.2903 [hep-lat]].
- Complex Langevin dynamics in the SU(3) spin model at nonzero chemical potential revisited (with Frank James), JHEP 01 (2012) 118 (pdf) [arXiv:1112.4655 [hep-lat]].
- What happens to the Upsilon and eta_b in the quark-gluon plasma? Bottomonium spectral functions from lattice QCD (with Chris Allton, Seyong Kim, Maria Paola Lombardo, Mehmet Bugrahan Oktay, Sinead Ryan, Don Sinclair and Jonivar Skullerud), JHEP 11 (2011) 103 (pdf) [arXiv:1109.4496 [hep-lat]].
- Complex Langevin: Etiology and diagnostics of its main problem (with Frank James, Erhard Seiler and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), Eur. Phys. J. C71 (2011) 1756 (pdf) [arXiv:1101.3270 [hep-lat]].
- Bottomonium above deconfinement in lattice nonrelativistic QCD (with Seyong Kim, Maria Paola Lombardo, Mehmet Bugrahan Oktay, Sinead Ryan, Don Sinclair and Jonivar Skullerud), Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 (2011) 061602 (pdf) [arXiv:1010.3725 [hep-lat]].
- Degenerate distributions in complex Langevin dynamics: one-dimensional QCD at finite chemical potential (with Kim Splittorff), JHEP 08 (2010) 017 (pdf) [arXiv:1006.0332 [hep-lat]].
- On the convergence of complex Langevin dynamics: the three-dimensional XY model at finite chemical potential (with Frank James), JHEP 08 (2010) 020 (pdf) [arXiv:1005.3468 [hep-lat]].
- Holographic Roberge-Weiss transitions (with S. Prem Kumar and James Rafferty), JHEP 07 (2010) 056 (pdf) [arXiv:1005.2947 [hep-th]].
- The Complex Langevin method: When can it be trusted? (with Erhard Seiler and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), Phys. Rev. D 81 (2010) 054508 (pdf) [arXiv:0912.3360 [hep-lat]].
- Adaptive stepsize and instabilities in complex Langevin dynamics (with Frank James, Erhard Seiler and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), Phys. Lett. B 687 (2010) 154-159 (pdf) [arXiv:0912.0617 [hep-lat]].
- Complex Langevin dynamics at finite chemical potential: mean field analysis in the relativistic Bose gas, JHEP 05 (2009) 052 (pdf) [arXiv:0902.4686 [hep-lat]].
- Can stochastic quantization evade the sign problem? The relativistic Bose gas at finite chemical potential, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (2009) 131601 (pdf) [arXiv:0810.2089 [hep-lat]].
- Effective convergence of the 2PI-1/N expansion for nonequilibrium quantum fields (with Nathan Laurie and Anders Tranberg), Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008) 125028 (pdf) [arXiv:0809.3390 [hep-ph]].
- Stochastic quantization at finite chemical potential (with Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), JHEP 09 (2008) 018 (pdfs, pdfl) [arXiv:0807.1597 [hep-lat]].
- Thermal effects on slow-roll dynamics (with Anders Tranberg), Phys. Rev. D 77 (2008) 123521 (pdf) [arXiv:0712.1120 [hep-ph]].
- Charmonium at high temperature in two-flavor QCD (with Chris Allton, Mehmet Bugrahan Oktay, Mike Peardon and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), Phys. Rev. D 76 (2007) 094513 (pdf) [arXiv:0705.2198 [hep-lat]].
- Spectral functions at small energies and the electrical conductivity in hot, quenched lattice QCD (with Chris Allton, Justin Foley, Simon Hands and Seyong Kim), Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (2007) 022002 (pdf) [hep-lat/0703008].
- Particle creation and warm inflation (with Anders Tranberg), Phys. Lett. B 650 (2007) 65-71 (pdf) [hep-ph/0701205].
- Meson spectral functions with chirally symmetric lattice fermions (with Justin Foley), JHEP 02 (2007) 062 (pdf) [hep-lat/0612007].
- Nonequilibrium dynamics in the O(N) model to next-to-next-to-leading order in the 1/N expansion (with Anders Tranberg), Phys. Rev. D 74 (2006) 025004 (pdf) [hep-th/0604156].
- Continuum and lattice meson spectral functions at nonzero momentum and high temperature (with Jose M. Martínez Resco), Nucl. Phys. B726 (2005) 93-108 (pdf) [hep-lat/0507004].
- Transport coefficients in large N_f gauge theories with massive fermions (with Jose M. Martínez Resco), JHEP 03 (2005) 074 (pdf) [hep-ph/0503161].
- Shear viscosity in the O(N) model (with Jose M. Martínez Resco), JHEP 02 (2004) 061 (pdf) [hep-ph/0402192].
- Transport coefficients from the 2PI effective action (with Jose M. Martínez Resco), Phys. Rev. D 68 (2003) 085009 (pdf) [hep-ph/0303216].
- Ward identity and electrical conductivity in hot QED (with Jose M. Martínez Resco), JHEP 11 (2002) 022 (pdf) [hep-ph/0209048].
- Transport coefficients, spectral functions and the lattice (with Jose M. Martínez Resco), JHEP 04 (2002) 053 (pdf) [hep-ph/0203177].
- Far-from-equilibrium dynamics with broken symmetries from the 2PI-1/N expansion (with Daria Ahrensmeier, Rudolf Baier, Jürgen Berges and Julien Serreau), Phys. Rev. D 66 (2002) 045008 (pdf) [hep-ph/0201308].
- Spectral function at high temperature in the classical approximation, Phys. Lett. B 518 (2001) 315-322 (pdf) [hep-ph/0108125].
- Classical aspects of quantum fields far from equilibrium (with Jürgen Berges), Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 041603 (pdf) [hep-ph/0107129].
- Nonequilibrium time evolution of the spectral function in quantum field theory (with Jürgen Berges), Phys. Rev. D 64 (2001) 105010 (pdf) [hep-ph/0103049].
- Exact and truncated dynamics in nonequilibrium field theory (with Gian Franco Bonini and Christof Wetterich), Phys. Rev. D 63 (2001) 25012 (pdf) [hep-ph/0007357].
- On thermalization in classical scalar field theory (with Gian Franco Bonini and Christof Wetterich), Nucl. Phys. B587 (2000) 403-418 (pdf) [hep-ph/0003262].
- Divergences in real-time classical field theories at nonzero temperature (with Bert-Jan Nauta and Chris G. van Weert), Phys. Rev. D 61 (2000) 105002 (pdf) [hep-ph/9911463].
- Particle production and effective thermalization in inhomogeneous mean field theory (with Jan Smit), Phys. Rev. D 61 (2000) 025002 (pdf) [hep-ph/9906538].
- Real-time dynamics with fermions on a lattice (with Jan Smit), Nucl. Phys. B555 (1999) 355-394 (pdf) [hep-ph/9812413].
- Classical approximation for time dependent quantum field theory: diagrammatic analysis for hot scalar fields (with Jan Smit), Nucl. Phys. B511 (1998) 451-478 (pdf) [hep-ph/9707342].
- Finiteness of hot classical scalar field theory and the plasmon damping rate (with Jan Smit), Phys. Lett. B 393 (1997) 395-402 (pdf) [hep-ph/9610415].
Editorials, Viewpoint
- 30 years of ECT*, Nuclear Physics News, 34(2), 3 (2024)
- Scientific Meetings: The New Normal?, Nuclear Physics News, 32(1), 3 (2022) (pdf).
- Testing a Realistic Quark-Gluon Plasma, Physics 7, 86 (2014) (pdf).
- Reconstructed (charm) baryon methods at finite temperature on anisotropic lattices (with Ryan Bignell et al), PoS LATTICE2023 (2024) 199 [arXiv:2312.03560 [hep-lat]].
- Generative diffusion models for lattice field theory (with Lingxiao Wang and Kai Zhou), contribution to NeurIPS 2023 [arXiv:2311.03578 [hep-lat]].
- Recent results from the FASTSUM Collaboration (with Chris Allton et al), PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 198 [arXiv:2301.10282 [hep-lat]].
- Charm baryons at finite temperature on anisotropic lattices (with Ryan Bignell, Chris Allton, M. Naeem Anwar, Timothy J. Burns and Benjamin Jäger), PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 170 [arXiv:2212.09371 [hep-lat]].
- Hadrons at high temperature: an update from the FASTSUM collaboration (with Jon-Ivar Skullerud, Chris Allton, et al) EPJ Web Conf. 274 (2022) 05011 [arXiv:2211.13717 [hep-lat]].
- Lattice QCD at finite temperature: some aspects related to chiral symmetry, Acta Phys.Polon.Supp. 16 (2023) 1-A12 (pdf) [arXiv:2210.06875 [hep-lat]].
- A comparison of spectral reconstruction methods applied to non-zero temperature NRQCD meson correlation functions (with Thomas Spriggs et al), EPJ Web Conf. 258 (2022) 05011 [arXiv:2112.04201 [hep-lat]].
- Spectral reconstruction in NRQCD via the Backus-Gilbert method (with Ben Page et al), PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 134 [arXiv:2112.02075 [hep-lat]].
- Reconstruction of bottomonium spectral functions in thermal QCD using Kernel Ridge Regression (with Sam Offler et al), PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 509 [arXiv:2112.02116 [hep-lat]].
- Bottomonium spectral widths at nonzero temperature using maximum likelihood (with Thomas Spriggs et al), PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 077 [arXiv:2112.01599 [hep-lat]].
- Lattice QCD at nonzero temperature and density (with Chris Allton et al), J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2207 (2022) 1, 012055 [2111.10787 [hep-lat]]
- Meson thermal masses at different temperatures (with Sergio Chaves García-Mascaraque, Chris Allton, Timothy Burns & Simon Hands), PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 523 [2111.00784 [hep-lat]]
- Quantum field theories, Markov random fields and machine learning (with Dimitrios Bachtis & Biagio Lucini), J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2207 (2022) 1, 012056 [2110.10928 [cs.LG]]
- Interpreting machine learning functions as physical observables (with Dimitrios Bachtis & Biagio Lucini), PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 248 [2109.08497 [hep-lat]]
- Machine learning with quantum field theories (with Dimitrios Bachtis & Biagio Lucini), PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 201 [2109.07730 [cs.LG]]
- A comparison of explanations given by explainable Artificial Intelligence methods on analysing electronic health records (with Jamie Duell, Xiuyi Fan, Bruce Burnett & Shang-Ming Zhou), 2021 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) p. 1-4 (pdf).
- Mesonic correlators at non-zero baryon chemical potential (with Chris Allton, Davide de Boni, Jonas Glesaaen, Simon Hands, Benjamin Jäger, Aleksandr Nikolaev, Jon-Ivar Skullerud, Liang-Kai Wu), PoS(LATTICE2019) (2019) 077 (pdf) [arXiv:2001.04415 [hep-lat]].
- News from bottomonium spectral functions in thermal QCD (with Sam Offler, Chris Allton, Jonas Glesaaen, Benjamin Jäger, Seyong Kim, Maria Paola Lombardo, Sinead M. Ryan, Jon-Ivar Skullerud), PoS(LATTICE2019) (2019) 076 (pdf) [arXiv:1912.12900 [hep-lat]].
- Spectral quantities in thermal QCD: a progress report from the FASTSUM collaboration (with Chris Allton, Jonas Glesaaen, Simon Hands, Benjamin Jäger, Seyong Kim, Maria Paola Lombardo, Aleksandr Nikolaev, Sinead M. Ryan, Jon-Ivar Skullerud, Liang-Kai Wu), PoS(LATTICE2019) (2019) 075 (pdf) [arXiv:1912.09827 [hep-lat]].
- Hyperons in thermal QCD from the lattice (with Chris Allton, Davide de Boni, Jonas Glesaaen, Simon Hands, Benjamin Jäger, Jon-Ivar Skullerud), 18th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM 2019) (pdf) [arXiv:1911.01449 [hep-lat]].
- Hadronic spectrum calculations in the quark-gluon plasma (with Chris Allton, Jonas Glesaaen, Simon Hands, Benjamin Jäger and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), PoS(LATTICE2018) (2018) (pdf) [arXiv:1812.08151 [hep-lat]].
- Medium effects and parity doubling of hyperons across the deconfinement phase transition (with Chris Allton, Davide de Boni, Simon Hands, Benjamin Jäger, Chrisanthi Praki and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), EPJ Web Conf. 175 (2018) 07016 (pdf) [arXiv:1710.08294 [hep-lat]].
- Getting even with CLE (with Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), EPJ Web Conf. 17 (2018) 14007 (pdf) [arXiv:1710.05699 [hep-lat]].
- Baryons in the plasma: in-medium effects and parity doubling (with Chris Allton, Davide de Boni, Simon Hands, Benjamin Jäger, Chrisanthi Praki and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), EPJ Web Conf. 17 (2018) 11400 (pdf) [arXiv:1710.00566 [hep-lat]].
- On complex Langevin dynamics and zeroes of the measure II: Fermionic determinant (with Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), PoS(LATTICE2016) (2016) 092 (pdf) [arXiv:1611.02931 [hep-lat]].
- On complex Langevin dynamics and zeroes of the measure I: Formal proof and simple models (with Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), PoS(LATTICE2016) (2016) 036 (pdf) [arXiv:1611.02930 [hep-lat]].
- Parity doubling of nucleons, Delta and Omega baryons across the deconfinement phase transition (with Chris Allton, Davide De Boni, Simon Hands, Benjamin Jäger, Chrisanthi Praki and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), to appear in the Proceedings of Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum (pdf) [arXiv:1611.02009 [hep-lat]].
- Parity doubling of nucleons and Delta baryons across the deconfinement phase transition (with Chris Allton, Davide De Boni, Simon Hands, Benjamin Jäger, Chrisanthi Praki and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), PoS(LATTICE2016) (2016) 037 (pdf) [arXiv:1610.07439 [hep-lat]].
- Results on the heavy-dense QCD phase diagram using complex Langevin (with Felipe Attanasio, Benjamin Jäger and Denes Sexty), PoS(LATTICE2016) (2016) 074 (pdf) [arXiv:1610.04401 [hep-lat]].
- Spectral functions from anisotropic lattice QCD (with 11 others), Nucl. Phys. A956 (2016) 717-720 (pdf).
- Complex Langevin in Lattice QCD: dynamic stabilisation and the phase diagram (with Felipe Attanasio, Benjamin Jäger and Denes Sexty), Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 9 (2016) 621 (pdf) [arXiv:1607.05642 [hep-lat]].
- Finite Temperature Lattice QCD - Baryons in the Quark-Gluon Plasma (with Chris Allton, Davide De Boni, Simon Hands, Benjamin Jäger, Chrisanthi Praki and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 9 (2016) 441 (pdf) [arXiv:1607.05082 [hep-lat]].
- Introductory lectures on lattice QCD at nonzero baryon number, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 706 022004 (pdf) [arXiv:1512.05145 [hep-lat]].
- Insights into the heavy dense QCD phase diagram using Complex Langevin simulations (with Felipe Attanasio, Benjamin Jaeger, Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), PoS(LATTICE2015) (2015) 155 (pdf) [arXiv:1510.09100 [hep-lat]].
- Towards the heavy dense QCD phase diagram using Complex Langevin simulations (with Felipe Attanasio, Benjamin Jaeger, Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), PoS(LATTICE2015) (2015) 154 (pdf) [arXiv:1510.09098 [hep-lat]].
- Calculation of free baryon spectral densities at finite temperature (with Chrisanthi Praki), PoS(LATTICE2015) (2015) 182 (pdf) [arXiv:1510.04069 [hep-lat]].
- Probing parity doubling in nucleons at high temperature (with Chris Allton, Simon Hands, Benjamin Jaeger, Chrisanthi Praki and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), PoS(LATTICE2015) (2015) 183 (pdf) [arXiv:1510.04040 [hep-lat]].
- The phase diagram of heavy dense QCD with complex Langevin simulations (with Felipe Attanasio, Benjamin Jaeger, Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), Acta Phys.Polon.Supp. 8 (2015) 2, 405 (pdf) [arXiv:1506.02547 [hep-lat]].
- Hopping parameter expansion to all orders using the complex Langevin equation (with Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), PoS(CPOD2014) (2014) 060 (pdf) [arXiv:1503.08813 [hep-lat]].
- Recent developments at finite density on the lattice, PoS(CPOD2014) (2014) 012 (pdf) [arXiv:1502.01850 [hep-lat]].
- Quark-gluon plasma phenomenology from anisotropic lattice QCD (with Jon-Ivar Skullerud, Chris Allton, Alessandro Amato, Yannis Burnier, Wynne Evans, Pietro Giudice, Simon Hands, Tim Harris, Aoife Kelly, Seyong Kim, Maria Paola Lombardo, Mehmet B. Oktay, Alexander Rothkopf and Sinead Ryan), to appear in the Proceedings of Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum (pdf) [arXiv:1501.00018 [hep-lat]].
- Systematic approximation for QCD at non-zero density (with Benjamin Jäger, Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), PoS(LATTICE2014) (2014) 207 (pdf) [arXiv:1412.5775 [hep-lat]].
- QCD at nonzero chemical potential: recent progress on the lattice (with Felipe Attanasio, Benjamin Jäger, Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), to appear in the Proceedings of Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum (pdf) [arXiv:1412.0847 [hep-lat]].
- Bottomonium in the plasma: lattice results (with Chris Allton, Wynne Evans, Pietro Giudice, Tim Harris, Aoife Kelly, Seyong Kim, Maria-Paola Lombardo, Sinead Ryan and Jonivar Skullerud), EPJ Web Conf. 80 (2014) 00029 (pdf) [arXiv:1411.7580 [hep-lat]].
- Exploring the phase diagram of QCD with complex Langevin simulations (with Felipe Attanasio, Benjamin Jäger, Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), PoS(LATTICE2014) (2014) 200 (pdf) [arXiv:1411.2632 [hep-lat]].
- Complex Langevin dynamics for SU(3) gauge theory in the presence of a theta term (with Lorenzo Bongiovanni, Erhard Seiler and Denes Sexty), PoS(LATTICE2014) (2014) 199 (pdf) [arXiv:1411.0949 [hep-lat]].
- Quark-Gluon Plasma: from lattice simulations to experimental results (with Chris Allton, Aoife Kelly, Jonivar Skullerud, Seyong Kim, Tim Harris, Sinead Ryan and Maria-Paola Lombardo), J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 527 (2014) 012013 (pdf) [arXiv:1403.5183 [hep-lat]].
- 2+1 flavour thermal studies on an anisotropic lattice (with Chris Allton, Alessandro Amato, Wynne Evans, Pietro Giudice, Tim Harris, Simon Hands, Aoife Kelly, Sinead Ryan and Jonivar Skullerud), PoS(LATTICE 2013) 151 (pdf) [arXiv:1401.2116 [hep-lat]].
- Bottomonium spectrum at finite temperature (with Tim Harris, Sinead Ryan, Chris Allton, Seyong Kim, Maria Paola Lombardo and Jonivar Skullerud), PoS(LATTICE 2013) 171 (pdf) [arXiv:1311.3208 [hep-lat]].
- Adaptive gauge cooling for complex Langevin dynamics (with Lorenzo Bongiovanni, Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), PoS(LATTICE 2013) 449 (pdf) [arXiv:1311.1056 [hep-lat]].
- P wave bottomonium spectral functions in the QGP from lattice NRQCD (with Chris Allton, Seyong Kim, Maria-Paola Lombardo, Sinead Ryan, Jonivar Skullerud), PoS(LATTICE 2013) 167 (pdf) [arXiv:1311.0994 [hep-lat]].
- Transport coefficients of the QGP (with Alessandro Amato, Chris Allton, Pietro Giudice, Simon Hands and Jonivar Skullerud), PoS(LATTICE 2013) 176 (pdf) [arXiv:1310.7466 [hep-lat]],
- Complex Langevin simulation for QCD-like models (with Lorenzo Bongiovanni, Erhard Seiler, Denes Sexty and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), PoS(LATTICE 2013) 451 (pdf) [arXiv:1310.7412 [hep-lat]].
- Quark-gluon plasma phenomenology from the lattice (with Chris Allton, Alessandro Amato, Wynne Evans, Pietro Giudice, Simon Hands, Aoife Kelly, Seyong Kim, Maria-Paola Lombardo, Sinead Ryan, Jonivar Skullerud and Tim Harris), J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 509 (2014) 012015 (pdf) [arXiv:1310.5135 [hep-lat]].
- Electric charge susceptibility in 2+1 flavour QCD on an anisotropic lattice (with Pietro Giudice, Chris Allton, Alessandro Amato, Simon Hands and Jonivar Skullerud), PoS(LATTICE 2013) 492 (pdf) [arXiv:1309.6253 [hep-lat]].
- Localised distributions in complex Langevin dynamics (with Pietro Giudice and Erhard Seiler), PoS(LATTICE 2013) 200 (pdf) [arXiv:1309.3191 [hep-lat]].
- Complex Langevin dynamics and other approaches at finite chemical potential, PoS LATTICE2012 (2012) 017 (pdf) [arXiv:1302.3028 [hep-lat]].
- Bottomonium from lattice QCD as a probe of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (with Chris Allton, Aoife Kelly, Tim Harris, Seyong Kim, Maria Paola Lombardo, Mehmet Bugrahan Oktay, Sinead Ryan, Don Sinclair and Jonivar Skullerud), in Extreme QCD 2012, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 432 (2013) 012014 (pdf) [arXiv:1212.4368 [hep-ph]].
- Two topics from lattice NRQCD at non-zero temperature: heavy quark mass dependence and S-wave bottomonium states moving in a thermal bath (with Chris Allton, Seyong Kim, Maria Paola Lombardo, Mehmet Bugrahan Oktay, Sinead Ryan, Don Sinclair and Jonivar Skullerud), PoS(LATTICE 2012) 086 (pdf) [arXiv:1210.7586 [hep-ph]].
- Complex Langevin: criteria for correctness (with Frank James, Erhard Seiler and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), PoS(LATTICE 2011) 197 (pdf) [arXiv:1110.5749 [hep-lat]].
- Bottomonium at non-zero temperature from lattice non-relativistic QCD (with Chris Allton, Seyong Kim, Maria Paola Lombardo, Mehmet Bugrahan Oktay, Sinead Ryan, Don Sinclair and Jonivar Skullerud), AIP Conf.Proc. 1441 (2012) 910-912 (pdf) [arXiv:1109.1475 [hep-ph]].
- The XY model at finite chemical potential using complex Langevin dynamics (with Frank James), PoS(LATTICE 2010) 321 (pdf) [arXiv:1009.5838 [hep-lat]].
- Polarized correlators at finite temperature (with Chris Allton, Simon Hands, Justin Foley and Seyong Kim), PoS(LATTICE 2010) 166 (pdf) [arXiv:1007.4897 [hep-lat]].
- Longitudinal and transverse meson correlators in the deconfined phase (with Chris Allton, Simon Hands, Justin Foley and Seyong Kim), AIP Conf. Proc. 1261 (2010) 203 (pdf) [arXiv:1010.0845 [hep-lat]].
- Can complex Langevin dynamics evade the sign problem? in Lattice 2009, Beijing, China, 26-31 July (2009) PoS(LATTICE 2009) 024 (pdf) [arXiv:0910.3772 [hep-lat]].
- Two complex problems on the lattice: transport coefficients and finite chemical potential, in Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM2008), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2008), Nucl. Phys. A820 (2009) 57C-64C (pdf) [arXiv:0811.1850 [hep-ph]].
- Stochastic quantization at nonzero chemical potential (with Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu) in Lattice 2008, Williamsburg, VA, USA (2008), PoS(LATTICE 2008) 176 (pdf) [arXiv:0809.5227 [hep-lat]].
- Spectral functions and transport in high temperature QCD, in New Frontiers in QCD 2008: Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter, Progr. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 174 (2008) 198-205 (pdf).
- Charmonium properties in the quark-gluon plasma (with Chris Allton, Bugra Oktay, Mike Peardon and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), in Lattice 2007, Regensburg, Germany (2007), PoS(LATTICE 2007) 227 (pdf) [arXiv:0710.2795 [hep-lat]].
- Transport and spectral functions in high temperature QCD, in Lattice 2007, Regensburg, Germany (2007), PoS(LATTICE 2007) 001 (pdf) [arXiv:0710.0739 [hep-lat]].
- Charmonium spectral functions in N_f=2 QCD at high temperature (with Chris Allton, Richie Morrin, Alan O'Cais, Bugra Oktay, Mike Peardon and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), in Lattice 2006, Tucson, Arizona, USA (2006), PoS(LAT2006) 126 (pdf) [hep-lat/0610065].
- Spectral functions at non-zero momentum in hot QCD (with Chris Allton, Justin Foley, Simon Hands and Seyong Kim), in Lattice 2006, Tucson, Arizona, USA (2006), PoS(LAT2006) 134 (pdf) [hep-lat/0610061].
- Charmonium spectral functions in two-flavour QCD (with Chris Allton, Richie Morrin, Alan O'Cais, Bugra Oktay, Mike Peardon and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), at Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM2006), Brookhaven National Laboratory, United States (2006), Nucl. Phys. A785 (2007) 198-201 (pdf) [hep-lat/0608009].
- Meson spectral functions at nonzero momentum in hot QCD (with Chris Allton, Justin Foley, Simon Hands and Seyong Kim), at Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM2006), Brookhaven National Laboratory, United States (2006), Nucl. Phys. A785 (2007) 202-205 (pdf) [hep-lat/0607012].
- Mesons at high temperature in Nf=2 QCD (with Chris Allton, Richie Morrin, Alan O'Cais, Bugra Oktay, Mike Peardon and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), in Computational Hadron Physics, Cyprus (2005), Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 153 (2006) 296-299 (pdf) [hep-lat/0511028].
- Charmonium from anisotropic lattices in Nf=2 QCD (with Chris Allton, Richie Morrin, Alan O'Cais, Bugra Oktay, Mike Peardon and Jon-Ivar Skullerud), in Extreme QCD, Swansea, United Kingdom (2005) (ps).
- Transport coefficients from the 2PI effective action: weak coupling and large N analysis (with Jose M. Martínez Resco), in Progress in Nonequilibrium Green's Functions III, Kiel, Germany (2005), Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 35 (2006) 414-419 (pdf).
- Charmonium spectral functions in Nf=2 QCD (with Richie Morrin, Alan O'Cais, Bugra Oktay, Mike Peardon, Jon-Ivar Skullerud and Chris Allton), in Lattice 2005, Dublin, Ireland (2005), PoS(LAT2005) 176 (ps) [hep-lat/0509115].
- On meson spectral functions at high temperature and nonzero momentum (with Simon Hands, Seyong Kim and Jose M. Martínez Resco), in Lattice 2005, Dublin, Ireland (2005), PoS(LAT2005) 182 (ps) [hep-lat/0509062].
- Transport coefficients and the 2PI effective action in the large N limit (with Jose M. Martínez Resco), in Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM 2004), Helsinki, Finland (2004), pp. 231-240 (World Scientific) and Workshop on QCD in Extreme Environments, Argonne National Laboratory, USA (ps) [hep-ph/0409090].
- Quasi-fixed points in nonequilibrium field theory, in The Monte Carlo Method in the Physical Sciences: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Metropolis Algorithm, Los Alamos, USA (2003), AIP Conf. Proc. 690, pp. 367-368.
- Transport coefficients and quantum fields (with Jose M. Martínez Resco), in Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM 2002), Heidelberg, Germany (2002), pp. 96-110 (World Scientific) (ps) [hep-ph/0212268].
- Transport coefficients from the lattice? (with Jose M. Martínez Resco), in Lattice 2002, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA (2002), Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 119 (2003) 505-507 (pdf) [hep-lat/0209033].
- 1/M correction to quenched QCD with nonzero baryon density (with Olaf Kaczmarek, Frithjof Karsch and Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu), in Lattice 2001, Berlin, Germany (2001), Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 106 (2002) 456-458 (ps) [hep-lat/0110145].
- Spectral function at high temperature, in Lattice 2001, Berlin, Germany (2001), Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 106 (2002) 534-536 (ps) [hep-lat/0109024].
- Nonequilibrium fields: exact and truncated dynamics, in Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM2000), Marseille, France (2000) pp. 241-246 (World Scientific) (ps) [hep-ph/0009026].
- Real-time dynamics in the 1+1 D abelian Higgs model with fermions (with Jan Smit), in Lattice '99 , Pisa, Italy (1999), Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 83-84 (2000) 586-588 (ps) [hep-lat/9909040].
- Dynamics of fermions and inhomogeneous Bose fields on a real-time lattice (with Jan Smit), in Strong and Electroweak Matter `98 (SEWM 98), Kopenhagen, Denmark (1998), pp. 168-172 (World Scientific) (ps) [hep-ph/9902231].
- Nonequilibrium dynamics with fermions on a lattice in space and time (with Jan Smit), in 5th International Workshop on Thermal Field Theories and Their Applications, Regensburg, Germany (1998) (ps) [hep-ph/9809340].
- The classical approximation for real-time scalar field theory at finite temperature, in 5th International Workshop on Thermal Field Theories and Their Applications, Regensburg, Germany (1998) (ps) [hep-ph/9809339].
- Renormalizability of hot classical field theory, in Eotvos Conference in Science: Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM 97), Eger, Hungary (1997), pp. 267-271 (World Scientific) (ps) [hep-ph/9707440].
Conferences/Workshops/Symposia organized
- ML meets LFT 2024, with Matteo Favoni and Biagio Lucini, Swansea, UK, July 24-26 2024.
- Machine learning for lattice field theory and beyond, with Dan Hackett, Dimitrios Bachtis, Biagio Lucini, and Phiala Shanahan, ECT*, Trento, Italy, June 26-30 2023.
- Workshop for Korea-UK AI/ML Research in Fundamental Sciences 2022, with Seyong Kim, Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea, Oct 31-Nov 4 2022.
- AIMLAC-IAIFI meeting 2022 (press release), with Phiala Shanahan and Biagio Lucini, MIT, Cambridge, March 1-7 2022.
- AI/ML and fundamental science KOREA UK meeting 2021 (press release), with Seyong Kim, online, Nov 15-17 2021.
- High-energy physics at ultra-cold temperatures, with Alejandro Bermudez and Maciej Lewenstein, ECT*, Trento, Italy, June 10-14 2019.
- THOR meets THOR - exploring the interface of fundamental and effective approaches to extreme matter, THOR COST working group meeting, Lisboa, Portugal, 11-13 Jun 2018.
- ECT* DTP 2018: QCD under extreme conditions, with Dirk Rischke, ECT*, Trento, Italy, 28 May-22 Jun 2018.
- Hadrons under Extreme Conditions, with Simon Hands and Andreas Schmitt, THOR COST working group meeting, Swansea University, 12-14 Sep 2017.
- Lattice 2016, 34th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, with Chris Sachrajda and others, University of Southampton, 24-30 Jul 2016.
- Heavy quarks: a continuing probe of the strong interaction, Royal Society International Scientific Seminar at Chicheley Hall, with Chris Allton and Christine Davies, Chicheley Hall, 28-29 Jan 2015.
- SIGN 2014, with Owe Philipsen, EMMI, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, 18-21 Feb 2014.
- Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM 2012), with Chris Allton, Simon Hands, Biagio Lucini, Maurizio Piai, Graham Shore and Joerg Jaeckel (IPPP), Swansea, UK, 10-13 Jul 2012.
- INT program on Gauge Field Dynamics In and Out of Equilibrium, with Mikko Laine and Guy Moore, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, WA, USA, 5 Mar-13 Apr 2012.
- Sign Problems and Complex Actions, with Shailesh Chandrasekharan, ECT*, Trento, Italy, 2-6 Mar 2009.
- A Passion for Fields and Lattices: a day in honour of Prof. Jan Smit, with Pierre van Baal, Sander Bais, Maarten Golterman, Justus Koch, Chris Korthals Altes, Renate Loll and Marieke Postma, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 25 Aug 2008.
- Extreme QCD, with Chris Allton, Simon Dalley, Simon Hands, Seyong Kim and Graham Shore, University of Wales Swansea, 2-5 Aug 2005.
Talks and other Contributions
- Quantum field theories for machine learning, talk at Extreme Scaling, Swansea, UK, Sep 26-27 2024.
- Diffusion models and stochastic quantisation in lattice field theory, talk at Lattice 2024, Liverpool, UK, Jul 28-Aug 3 2024.
- Weight matrix dynamics and Dyson Brownian motion, talk at ML meets LFT 2024, Swansea, UK, Jul 24-26 2024.
- ECT*, invited presentation at STRONG2020 Annual meeting, Frascati, Italy, June 20-22 2024.
- Hadrons under extreme conditions, invited talk at Present and future perspectives in hadron physics, Frascati, Italy, Jun 17-19 2024.
- Learning and (not quite) random matrix theory, talk at Machine Learning and the Renormalisation Group, ECT*, Trento, Italy, May 27-31 2024.
- From lattice field theory to machine learning and back, talk at the European AI for Fundamental Physics Conference (EuCAIFCon), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Apr 30-May 3 2024.
- From lattice field theory to machine learning and back, invited colloquium (online) at the High-energy Nuclear Physics in China (HENPIC) e-forum, China, Apr 25 2024.
- ML and lattice field theory, invited talk (online) at the DEEP-IN Working Group Kick-Off Meeting, iTHEMS, Tokyo, Japan, Apr 23 2024.
- ML in fundamental physics, invited talk at the Distributed Algorithms CDT Showcase, Liverpool, UK, Nov 29, 2023.
- News from ECT*, presentation (online) at the NuPECC meeting, Bratislava, Slovakia, Nov 24-25 2023.
- Machine learning for lattice field theory and back, invited talk at International Conference on Machine Learning Physics, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan, Nov 13-18 2023.
- Machine learning for lattice field theory and back, invited talk at XQCD 2023, University of Coimbra, Portugal, Jul 26-28 2023.
- Opportunities of AI, invited talk at the ExaTEPP workshop, Swansea University, Jun 21-22 2023.
- Discussion on machine learning and lattice field theories, invited discussion leader at Algorithms23, University of Edinburgh, Apr 24-27 2023.
- Quantum-field theoretical machine learning, invited talk at AI Hub meeting, Swansea University, Mar 2023.
- Machine learning for lattice field theory and back, invited talk (online) at the Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada, Mar 10 2023.
- Machine learning and quantum field theories, invited talk at the workshop Machine learning approaches in Lattice QCD -- an interdisciplinary approach, IAS, Munich, Germany, Feb 27-Mar 3 2023.
- News from ECT*, presentation at the NuPECC meeting, Vienna, Austria, Dec 1-2 2022.
- Machine learning for lattice field theory and back, invited colloquium at KIAS, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 2 2022.
- Machine learning for lattice field theory and back, invited talk at the workshop for Korea-UK AI/ML Research in Fundamental Sciences, Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea, Oct 31-Nov 4 2022.
- ECT* and STRONG2020, presentation at STRONG2020 Annual meeting, Paris, France, Oct 17-19 2022.
- Theory support in EURO-LABS, presentation at the EURO-LABS Kick-off meeting, Bologna, Oct 3-5 2022.
- Spectroscopy at T>0 with heavy quarks, invited talk at STRONG2020 Hadron Spectroscopy (HaSP) General Workshop, Munich, Germany, Sep 13-16 2022.
- Machine learning for lattice field theory and back, invited talk at the 8th International Workshop on the Sign Problem in QCD and Beyond (SIGN 22), Tel Aviv, Israel, Sep 5-9 2022.
- New ML/AI paradigms for quantum field theories, invited talk (online) at Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference (PASC 2022), Basel, Switserland, Jun 27-29 2022.
- Machine learning for lattice field theory and back, invited seminar (online) at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, Jun 7 2022.
- Machine learning for lattice field theory and back, IMSc Diamond Jubilee Dinstinguished Lecture (invited, online), IMSc Chennai, India, Jun 1 2022.
- Thermal QCD and chiral symmetry, invited talk at the UKLFT Annual Meeting, University of Liverpool, May 26-27 2022.
- Training for postgraduate research students, invited talk at the 2nd Joint ECFA-NuPECC-ApPEC Symposium (JENAS), Madrid, Spain, May 3-6 2022.
- (Lattice) QCD at nonzero temperature, seminar at Queen Mary University London, Apr 14 2022.
- Lattice QCD at finite temperature and density: some selected topics, invited plenary talk at Quark Matter 2022, Krakow, Poland, Apr 4-10 2022.
- Quantum fields and machine learning, invited talk (online) at Phase transitions in particle physics, Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Florence, Italy, Mar 28-Apr 3 2022.
- Machine learning for lattice field theory and back, invited colloquium (online) at Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, Mar 23 2022.
- AIMLAC: Training the next generation of data/ML scientists, talk at IAIFI-AIMLAC meeting, IAIFI, MIT, Cambridge, USA, Mar 2-4 2022.
- Machine learning with quantum fields, poster presented (online) at Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning 2021, RIKEN, Japan, Nov 8-12 2021.
- The strong interaction under extreme conditions, invited talk (online) at the Cardiff Astronomical Society, Cardiff, UK, Nov 11 2021.
- Lattice QCD at nonzero temperature and density, invited talk (online) at XXXII IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics, Coventry, UK, Aug 1-5 2021.
- Interpreting machine learning functions as physical observables, talk (online) at Lattice 2021, MIT, USA, Jul 26-30 2021.
- A physicist's approach to machine learning, seminar (online) at the Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany, May 6 2021.
- A physicist's approach to machine learning, colloquium (online) at the Department of Physics, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, 19 Apr 2021.
- RRI in AIMLAC, presentation at Orbit meeting for AI CDTs (online), 15 Apr 2021.
- A physicist's approach to machine learning, seminar (online) at the Department of Physics, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway, 13 Apr 2021.
- Quantum field-theoretic machine learning, ML seminar (online) at the Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 10 Mar 2021.
- ECT* in 2021 and beyond, presentation at the NuPECC meeting (online), Liverpool, UK, 4-5 Mar 2021.
- Thermal transition in QCD with N_f=2+1 flavours of Wilson quarks, seminar (online) at ECT*, Trento, Italy, 16 Feb 2021.
- Inverse problems in thermal QCD, invited presentation and panel discussion leader at QCD Real-Time Dynamics and Inverse Problems (online), Amherst Center for Fundamental Interactions, University of Amherst Massachusetts, USA, 19-22 Oct 2020.
- Thermal transition in QCD with Nf=2+1 flavours of Wilson quark, talk at Asia-Pacific Symposium for Lattice Field Theory (APLAT 2020 online), 4-7 Aug 2020.
- QCD phase diagram and thermodynamics, invited lectures (8 hours) at Frontiers in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics 2020, Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Florence, Italy, 24-28 Feb 2020.
- The strong interaction under extreme conditions, invited talk at Nuclear Physics and Related Areas @ Trento, ECT*, Trento, Italy, 17-18 Feb 2020.
- Training the future leaders in AI and advanced computing, invited keynote talk at A New Decade of Supercomputing, Cardiff, UK, 23-24 Jan 2020.
- O(μ2) corrections to mesonic correlators, invited talk at SIGN, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, 2-5 Sep 2019.
- UKRI CDT on AI, presentation at HPC-SIG meeting, Belfast, Ireland, 1 July 2019.
- Spectral quantities in thermal QCD: a progress report from the FASTSUM collaboration, talk at Lattice 2019, Wuhan, China, 16-22 Jun 2019.
- Complex Langevin dynamics for gauge theories, talk at High-energy physics at ultra-cold temperatures, ECT*, Trentro, Italy, 10-14 Jun 2019.
- Quarks and gluons under extreme conditions: what the computer tells us, invited presentation at the Computational Foundry, Swansea University, UK, May 23 2019.
- Hadrons in medium, invited talk at the Einweihungskolloquium "Der neue Bielefelder GPU-Cluster", Bielefeld University, Germany, 20 May 2019.
- Hadrons under extreme conditions, seminar at the Lorentz Institute for theoretical physics, Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands, 2 May 2019.
- Spectral quantities in thermal QCD: a progress report, invited talk at From Euclidean spectral densities to real-time physics, CERN workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, 11-15 Mar 2019.
- Quarks and gluons under extreme conditions: what the computer tells us, invited talk at Supercomputing Wales Swansea Symposium 2018, Swansea Academy of Advanced Computing, Swansea, UK, 13 Sep 2018.
- Baryons, chiral symmetry and in-medium effects: results from lattice QCD, talk at Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM2018), Barcelona, Spain, 25-29 Jun 2018.
- Some comments on holomorphic flow, thimbles and the sign problem, talk at THOR meets THOR - exploring the interface of fundamental and effective approaches to extreme matter, THOR COST working group meeting, Lisboa, Portugal, 11-13 Jun 2018.
- Sign problem at nonzero density, lectures (10h) at the ECT* Doctoral Training Programme QCD under extreme conditions, ECT*, Trento, Italy, 4-8 Jun 2018.
- Hyperons in a thermal medium: chiral symmetry, parity doubling and the lattice, invited talk at Fire and ice: Hot QCD meets cold and dense matter, Saariselkä, Finland, 3-7 Apr 2018.
- Baryons at finite temperature from the lattice, talk at Hadrons under Extreme Conditions, THOR COST working group meeting, Swansea, UK, 12-14 Sep 2017.
- Spectral quantities of hot matter, invited lectures (4 hours) at Helmholtz International Summer School "Hadron Structure, Hadronic Matter, and Lattice QCD", JINR Dubna, Russia, Aug 28-Sep 1 2017.
- Baryons in the plasma: in-medium effects and parity doubling, talk at Strangeness in Quark Matter, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, Jul 10-15 2017.
- Langevin and Lefschetz, invited talk at Simulating QCD on Lefschetz thimbles, ECT*, Trento, Italy, Jun 28-30 2017.
- Strange baryons below and above the deconfinement transition, talk at XQCD 2017, Pisa, Italy, Jun 26-28 2017.
- Baryons at finite temperature, invited talk at Micro-workshop on analytic properties of thermal correlators at weak & strong coupling, Physics Department, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, Mar 6-8 2017.
- Spectral functions from the lattice, invited presentation at Tomography of the Quark-Gluon Plasma with Heavy Quarks, Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Netherlands, Oct 10-14 2016.
- Lattice QCD at nonzero baryon density, invited lecture at International School of Nuclear Physics, 38th Course, Nuclear Mattrer under extreme conditions, Erice, Italy, Sep 17-23 2016.
- Baryons across the deconfinement transition, poster at XQCD 2016, Plymouth, UK, Aug 1-3 2016.
- On complex Langevin dynamics and zeroes of the determinant, talk at Lattice 2016, Southampton, UK, July 24-30 2016.
- Baryons across the deconfinement transition, talk at Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM2016), Stavanger, Norway, July 11-15 2016.
- Spectral functions in QCD, invited opening talk at Advances in transport and response properties of strongly interacting systems, ECT*, Trento, Italy, May 2-6 2016.
- Pushing the strong interaction past its breaking point, colloquium, Physics at Swansea, recruitment presentation, at University of Science and Technology Bejing (USTB), Shandong Normal University (Jinan), Anhui Normal University (Wuhu), Dulwich International School (Suzhou) and Fudan University (Shanghai), China, Mar 27-Apr 6 2016.
- From the hadronic phase to the quark-gluon plasma: baryons, seminar at the Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, Mar 6-11 2016.
- Nucleons at finite temperature, invited talk at XQCD 2015, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China, Sep 15-26 2015 (including visits to University of Science and Technology Beijing and Chongqing University of Technology).
- From the hadronic phase to the quark-gluon plasma: quarkonia, nucleons, transport, seminar at Plymouth University, Plymouth, United Kingdom, June 3 2015.
- Towards the QCD phase diagram: a complex problem with a complex solution, The Nico van Kampen Colloquium in Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands, May 27 2015.
- From the hadronic phase to the quark-gluon plasma: quarkonia, nucleons, transport, seminar at the University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, May 6 2015.
- Thermal field theory, invited lectures (3x1.5h) at Sejong University, Seoul, Korea, Apr 6-10 2015.
- QCD at nonzero baryon number, invited lectures at XIII International Workshop on Hadron Physics, Hotel do Bosque, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Mar 22-27 2015.
- Across the deconfinement transition: parity doubling in the nucleon sector & diffusion of light quarks, invited talk at Hadrons and hadron interactions in QCD 2015, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan, Mar 1-13 2015.
- Recent developments at finite density on the lattice, invited talk at Critical point and onset of deconfinement (CPOD 2014), Bielefeld University, Germany, Nov 17-21 2014.
- QCD at nonzero chemical potential: recent progress on the lattice, invited talk at Quark confinement and the hadron spectrum, St. Petersburg, Russia, Sep 8-12 2014.
- Complex Langevin for complex actions, invited talk at Conceptual advances in lattice gauge theory, CERN, Switzerland, Jul 27-Aug 1 2014.
- Complex actions, complex Langevin and Lefschetz thimbles, talk at Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM2014), EPFL Lausanne, Switserland, 14-18 Jul 2014.
- Complex Langevin dynamics for nonabelian gauge theories, invited talk at XQCD 2014, Stony Brook University, NY, USA, 19-21 Jun 2014.
- Complex actions, complex Langevin and thimbles, invited talk at Facing strong dynamics, Liselund Castle, Borre, Denmark, 2-6 Jun 2014.
- De vier fundamentele krachten, invited talk at Lions Meeting Helmond, the Netherlands, 28 May 2014.
- When Langevin met Lefschetz, invited talk at SIGN 2014, EMMI, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, 18-21 Feb 2014.
- The strong interactions under extreme conditions, invited talk at Let's Talk Science, Swansea University, 22 Jan 2014.
- Bottomonium and transport in the QGP, invited talk at New Frontiers in QCD 2013, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan, 26 Nov-8 Dec 2013.
- Complex Langevin dynamics: distributions and gauge theories, invited talk at New Frontiers in QCD 2013, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan, 26 Nov-8 Dec 2013.
- How to climb Mount Everest: the QCD sign problem at finite density, colloquium at TIFR, Mumbai, India, 10 Sep 2013 (visit: 24 Aug-23 Sep 2013)
- Probing the quark-gluon plasma: quarkonia and transport, seminar at TIFR, Mumbai, India, 5 Sep 2013 (visit: 24 Aug-23 Sep 2013)
- P wave bottomonium spectral functions in the QGP from lattice NRQCD, talk at Lattice 2013, Mainz, Germany, 29 Jul-3 Aug 2013.
- What happens to bottomonium in the QGP?, invited talk at IV Workshop on Fermions and Extended Objects on the Lattice, Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual, Benasque, Spain, 16-22 Jun 2013.
- My quark is heavier than your quark, invited talk at Heavy quarks and quarkonia in thermal QCD, ECT*, Trento, Italy, 2-5 Apr 2013.
- How to climb Mount Everest: the sign problem at finite density, invited talk at the Delta meeting, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 11-12 Jan 2013.
- Exploring the strong interactions under extreme conditions, seminar at the Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany, 25 Oct 2012.
- The pros and cons of complex Langevin dynamics, invited keynote lecture at Sign 2012, Regensburg University, Regensburg, Germany, 19-22 Sep 2012.
- Complex Langevin dynamics and other approaches at nonzero chemical potential, invited talk at Final Colloquium, International Research Training Group, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany, 12-14 Sep 2012.
- Complex Langevin dynamics and the sign problem, invited talk at New Frontiers in Lattice Gauge Theory, Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics (GGI), Florence, Italy, 3-10 Sep 2012.
- QCD at nonzero chemical potential and the sign problem, invited lectures (5 hours) at the INT Summer School on Lattice QCD for Nuclear Physics, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, USA, 11-18 Aug 2012.
- Complex Langevin dynamics and other approaches at finite chemical potential, invited plenary talk at Lattice 2012, Cairns, Australia, 24-29 Jun 2012.
- Hot and dense, talk at the UKQCD meeting, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, 8 Sep 2011.
- Complex actions and the sign problem: Complex Langevin dynamics, invited lecture at the STRONGnet Summer School 2011, ZiF, Bielefeld, 14-25 Jun 2011.
- QCD at finite chemical potential: complex Langevin dynamics and the sign problem, seminar at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz, Austria, 8 Jun 2011.
- QCD at finite chemical potential: complex Langevin dynamics and the sign problem, seminar at the IFT, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 16 May 2011.
- Probing the QGP: heavy quarkonium on the lattice, talk at Quarks, Gluons, and Hadronic Matter under Extreme Conditions, St. Goar, Germany, 15-18 Mar 2011.
- The sign problem at nonzero chemical potential, seminar at the Department of Mathematical Physics, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland, 10 Sep 2010.
- Complex Langevin dynamics at finite chemical potential, invited talk at Strong and Electroweak Matter 2010 (SEWM2010), McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 29 Jun-2 Jul 2010.
- Complex Langevin dynamics at finite chemical potential, invited talk at Extreme QCD 2010 (XQCD2010), Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, 21-23 Jun 2010.
- QCD at finite chemical potential: complex Langevin dynamics and the sign problem, seminar at the Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, 6 May 2010.
- QCD at finite chemical potential: stochastic quantization and the sign problem, seminar at the Theoretical Physics Group, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, 9 Mar 2010.
- Finite density with complex Langevin, invited talk at Strong interactions in the 21st century, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, 10-12 Feb 2010.
- Recent successes and problems of complex Langevin dynamics, invited talk (2 hours) at Molecule workshop QCD at finite chemical potential, associated with New Frontiers in QCD 2010, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan, 10-23 Jan 2010.
- QCD at finite chemical potential: stochastic quantization and the sign problem, seminar at the Theoretical Physics Group, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 18 Nov 2009.
- Can complex Langevin dynamics evade the sign problem? talk at Lattice 2009, Beijing, China, 26-31 July 2009.
- QCD at finite chemical potential: stochastic quantization and the sign problem, seminar at DAMTP, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 13 May 2009.
- Simulations at finite chemical potential and the sign problem, seminar at the Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany, 20 Apr 2009.
- Nonperturbative simulations at finite chemical potential, invited talk at Renormalisation + Resummation, Budapest, Hungary, 2-5 Apr 2009.
- Stochastic quantization at finite chemical potential: Sign and silver blaze problems, invited talk at Sign Problems and Complex Actions, ECT*, Trento, Italy, 2-6 Mar 2009.
- QCD at finite chemical potential: stochastic quantization and complex Langevin dynamics, seminar at Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom, 18 Feb 2009.
- The sign problem and stochastic quantization, invited talk at the Delta meeting, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 30-31 Jan 2009.
- QCD at finite chemical potential: stochastic quantization and complex Langevin dynamics, seminar at the Institut für Theoretische Physik, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, Germany, 28 Jan 2009.
- Can stochastic quantization evade the sign problem?, invited talk at Tools for finite density QCD, Bielefeld, Germany, 19-21 Nov 2008.
- Two complex problems on the lattice: transport coefficients and finite chemical potential, invited talk at Strong and ElectroWeak Matter (SEWM2008), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 26-29 Aug 2008.
- Moving forward: one step at a time, invited talk at Passion for Fields and Lattices: a day in honour of Prof. Jan Smit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 25 Aug 2008.
- Stochastic quantization at finite chemical potential, invited talk at Extreme QCD, Raleigh, NC, USA, 21-23 Jul 2008.
- Stochastic quantization at finite chemical potential, talk at Lattice 2008, Williamsburg, VA, USA, 14-19 Jul 2008.
- Stochastic quantization at finite chemical potential, invited talk at Midsummer Madness! workshop on hot and dense QCD, Oulu, Finland, 26-28 Jun 2008.
- Transport and spectral functions in high temperature QCD, invited talk at New Frontiers in QCD 2008: Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan, 24 Feb-22 Mar 2008.
- Transport and spectral functions in high temperature QCD, seminar at the Particle Theory Group, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA, 25 Jan 2008.
- Transport from numerical simulations, invited talk at Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Particle Physics and Cosmology, KITP, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 14 Jan-8 Feb 2008 (online talk).
- Introduction to nonequilibrium 2PI effective action techniques, invited talk at Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Particle Physics and Cosmology, KITP, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 14 Jan-8 Feb 2008 (online talk).
- Nonequilibrium quantum fields, seminar at the Applied Mathematics Group, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 23 Nov 2007.
- Transport and spectral functions in high temperature QCD, seminar at the Particle Physics Theory Group, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 7 Nov 2007.
- Transport and spectral functions in high temperature QCD, seminar at the Particle Theory Group, Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom, 30 Oct 2007.
- Quarkonium correlators on the lattice, invited plenary talk at 5th International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 17-20 Oct 2007.
- Transport and spectral functions in high temperature QCD, talk at Exploring QCD: Deconfinement, Extreme Environments and Holography, in association with the programme Strong Fields, Integrability and Strings, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 20-24 Aug 2007.
- Transport and spectral functions in high temperature QCD, invited plenary talk at Lattice 2007, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany, 30 Jul-4 Aug 2007.
- Nonequilibrium dynamics, invited review lectures (2 hours) at the Ruperto Carola Symposion: Ultracold Quantum Gases, International Science Forum, Heidelberg, Germany, 18-20 Jul 2007.
- Transport and spectral functions in high temperature QCD, seminar at TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada, 28 May 2007.
- Transport and spectral functions in high temperature QCD, invited talk at Exotic States of Hot and Dense Matter and their Dual Description, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada, 22-25 May 2007.
- Transport and spectral functions in high temperature QCD, seminar at the Instituut Lorentz, Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands, 25 Apr 2007.
- Transport and spectral functions in high temperature QCD, seminar at the Theoretical Physics Group, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 14 Mar 2007.
- Spectral functions in high temperature QCD, seminar at the Particle Physics Theory Group, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 29 Nov 2006.
- Spectral functions in high temperature QCD, invited talk at QCD on Teraflops Computer, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld, Germany, 11-13 Oct 2006.
- Expansion versus interaction: boost-invariant dynamics from the 2PI effective action, invited talk at INT Workshop on Non-Equilibrium Quark-Gluon Plasma, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, WA, USA, 25-29 Sept 2006.
- Classical and quantum fields out of equilibrium and the 2PI effective action, invited talk at Classical field theory & Solitons, CMS, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3-6 Jul 2006.
- Dynamics in the QGP: transport, meson correlators and spectral functions, seminar at the Particle Theory Group, Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom, 30 May 2006.
- Dynamics in the QGP: transport, meson correlators and spectral functions, seminar at the Theoretical Physics Group, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, 23 May 2006.
- Meson spectral functions at nonzero momentum, talk at Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM2006), Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United States, 10-13 May 2006.
- Dynamics in the QGP: transport, meson correlators and spectral functions, seminar at the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA, 8 May 2006.
- Quantum field theory out of equilibrium, invited lectures (10 hours) at the ECT* Doctoral Training Programme: Computational techniques in strongly interacting systems, ECT*, Trento, Italy, 24-28 Apr 2006.
- Dynamics in the QGP: transport, meson correlators and spectral functions, invited talk at QCD at Finite Density, ECT*, Trento, Italy, 21-25 Mar 2006.
- Meson correlators at nonzero momentum in high-temperature QCD, talk at the UKQCD Collaboration Annual Programme Review & Planning Meeting, National e-Science Centre, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 23-24 Jan 2006.
- Transport coefficients, spectral functions and all that, Teilchen-Tee seminar at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 1 Dec 2005.
- Transport coefficients, spectral functions and all that, seminar at the Particle Theory Group, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 27 Oct 2005.
- Transport coefficients from the 2PI effective action: weak coupling and large N analysis, poster at Progress in Nonequilibrium Green's Functions III , University Kiel, Germany, 22-26 Aug 2005.
- On meson spectral functions at high temperature and nonzero momentum, talk at Lattice 2005, School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 25-30 Jul 2005.
- Nonequilibrium quantum fields, transport coefficients and the 2PI effective action in the large N limit, seminar at the School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 6 Apr 2005.
- Spectral functions in classical field theory, invited talk at the Classical Lattice Field Theory Meeting, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 21-22 Mar 2005.
- Nonequilibrium quantum fields, transport coefficients and the 2PI effective action in the large N limit, seminar at the Particle Physics Theory Group, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 18 Mar 2005.
- Nonequilibrium quantum fields, transport coefficients and the 2PI effective action in the large N limit, seminar at the Theoretical Physics Group, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 15 Dec 2004.
- Quantum field dynamics in real time, talk at Quantum Fields in the Era of Teraflop-Computing, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld, Germany, 22-25 Nov 2004.
- Nonequilibrium quantum fields, transport coefficients and the 2PI effective action in the large N limit, seminar at DAMTP, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 10 Nov 2004.
- Nonequilibrium quantum fields, transport coefficients and the 2PI effective action in the large N limit, seminar at the University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom, 18 Oct 2004.
- Nonequilibrium quantum fields, transport coefficients and the 2PI effective action in the large N limit, seminar at the University of Wales Swansea, Swansea, United Kingdom, 15 Oct 2004.
- Transport coefficients and the 2PI effective action in the large N limit, seminar at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 30 Sep 2004.
- Nonequilibrium quantum fields, transport coefficients and the 2PI effective action, talk at the Workshop on QCD in Extreme Environments, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA, 29 Jun-3 Jul 2004.
- Diagrammatic approach to transport coefficients in large Nf QCD with massive quarks, talk at Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM2004), Helsinki, Finland, 16-19 Jun 2004.
- Transport coefficients and spectral functions from the lattice, talk at the Meeting of the Ohio Section of the American Physical Society, Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA, 16-17 Apr 2004.
- Quantum and classical fields far from equilibrium: an overview, invited talk at the Workshop on Field Theories Near Equilibrium, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, 15-19 Dec 2003.
- Close to equilibrium: transport coefficients and spectral functions, invited talk at the Workshop on Field Theories Near Equilibrium, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, 15-19 Dec 2003.
- Non-equilibrium quantum fields and transport coefficients, seminar at Kent State University, Kent, OH, USA, 3 Oct 2003.
- Non-equilibrium quantum fields and transport coefficients, seminar at the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA, 26 Sep 2003.
- Non-equilibrium quantum fields and transport coefficients, seminar at Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA, 18 Sep 2003.
- Issues in nonequilibrium field theory, seminar at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA, 12 Jun 2003.
- Quasi-fixed points in nonequilibrium field theory, poster at The Monte Carlo Method in the Physical Sciences: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Metropolis Algorithm, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA, 9-11 Jun 2003.
- Transport coefficients in hot field theory, seminar at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA, 6 Jun 2003.
- Transport coefficients in hot field theory, seminar at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA, 19 Mar 2003.
- Electrical conductivity in hot QED, talk at the Meeting of the Ohio Section of the American Physical Society, OSU, Columbus, OH, USA, 18-19 Oct 2002.
- Transport coefficients and quantum fields, invited talk at Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM2002), Heidelberg, Germany, 2-5 Oct 2002.
- Dynamics of thermal fields, invited lectures (4 hours) at Graduiertenkolleg "Systems with many degrees of freedom", University of Heidelberg, Germany, 30 Sep-1 Oct 2002.
- Transport coefficients and quantum fields, seminar at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 27 Sep 2002.
- Transport coefficients and quantum fields, seminar at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 26 Sep 2002.
- Transport coefficients from the lattice? talk at Lattice 2002, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA, 24-29 Jun 2002.
- Transport coefficients from the lattice? NT/RIKEN seminar at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA, 31 May 2002.
- Transport coefficients and spectral functions from the lattice? talk at QCD and Gauge Theory Dynamics in the RHIC Era, ITP, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, Apr 27-May 18 2002 (online talk).
- Classical aspects of nonequilibrium quantum fields, Nuclear Theory seminar at MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA, 4 Dec 2001.
- Classical aspects of nonequilibrium quantum fields, seminar at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 27 Nov 2001.
- Classical aspects of nonequilibrium quantum fields, seminar at the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA, 12 Oct 2001.
- Spectral function at high temperature, talk at Lattice 2001, Berlin, Germany, 19-24 Aug 2001.
- Quantum fields far from equilibrium: a quantitative approach, Thursday seminar at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 9 Aug 2001.
- Nonequilibrium evolution of quantum fields, seminar at the University of Bielefeld, Germany, 29 Jun 2001.
- Nonequilibrium fields: quantum transport with memory, talk at Hotmatter2001: Meeting on Phase transitions in hot matter, Helsinki, Finland, 5-8 Apr 2001.
- Nonequilibrium fields: quantum transport with memory, talk at the 40. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik: Dense Matter, Schladming, Austria, 3-10 Mar 2001.
- Nonequilibrium fields, Hartree dynamics and thermalization, talk at Hard Thermal Loops: Applications and Perspectives, Bad Honnef, Germany, 11-15 Dec 2000.
- Introduction to transport equations and the 2PI formalism (with Jürgen Berges), two lectures at the Cosmology seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 19 Nov & 6 Dec 2000.
- Nonequilibrium fields: Hartree dynamics, approximate fixed points and thermalization, seminar at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 9 Nov 2000.
- Exact and truncated dynamics in nonequilibrium field theory, seminar at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 12 Jul 2000.
- Dynamics in nonequilibrium field theory, talk at the Delta Meeting, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany, Jun 30-Jul 1 2000.
- Exact and truncated dynamics in nonequilibrium field theory, talk at Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM2000), Marseille, France, 14-17 Jun 2000.
- Exact and truncated dynamics in nonequilibrium field theory, talk at Matter under Extreme Conditions, Bielefeld, Germany, 5-9 Jun 2000.
- Exact and truncated dynamics in nonequilibrium field theory, seminar at the University of Dortmund, Germany, 25 May 2000.
- Exact and truncated dynamics in nonequilibrium field theory, Cosmology seminar at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 24 May 2000.
- Thermalization in classical scalar field theory, talk at Phase Transitions in Hot and Dense Matter, Glasgow, UK, 1-5 May 2000.
- Thermalization of fermions in nonequilibrium field theory, talk at XII Workshop Beyond the Standard Model, Bad Honnef, Germany, 21-24 Feb 2000.
- Lattice fermions in real time, LIM seminar at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 28 Jan 2000.
- Particle production and effective thermalization, talk at Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in Quantum Field Theory, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, WA, USA, 4 Oct-10 Dec 1999.
- Particle production and effective thermalization, Teilchen-Tee seminar at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 4 Nov 1999.
- Dynamics in equilibrium and nonequilibrium quantum field theory, seminar at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 27 Sep 1999.
- Effective thermalization in nonequilibrium field theory, poster at Trends in Theory '99, Symposium of the DRSTP, Dalfsen, the Netherlands, 3-4 Jun 1999.
- Baryogenesis: nonequilibrium dynamics in field theory, talk at National Seminar Theoretical High Energy Physics, NIKHEF, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 21 May 1999.
- Anomalous fermion number: real-time dynamics on the lattice, talk at Nonequilibrium Quantum Fields Miniprogram, ITP, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 5-22 Jan 1999 (online talk).
- Dynamics of fermions and inhomogeneous Bose fields on a real-time lattice, talk at Strong and Electroweak Matter `98 (SEWM 98), Kopenhagen, Denmark, 2-5 Dec 1998.
- Nonperturbative real-time processes with fermions, talk at Quantum Fields In & Out of Equilibrium, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA, 26-30 Oct 1998.
- Nonequilibrium dynamics with fermions on a lattice in space and time (with Jan Smit), poster at 5th International Workshop on Thermal Field Theories and Their Applications, Regensburg, Germany, 10-14 Aug 1998.
- The classical approximation for real-time scalar field theory at finite temperature, talk at 5th International Workshop on Thermal Field Theories and Their Applications, Regensburg, Germany, 10-14 Aug 1998.
- Hot time-dependent quantum field theory and the classical approximation, talk at the Triangular Meeting, Paris, France, 12-14 Aug 1997.
- Baryogenesis and the classical approximation, poster at Trends in Theory '97, Symposium of the DRSTP, Dalfsen, the Netherlands, 5-6 Jun 1997.
- Renormalizability of hot classical field theory, talk at Eotvos Conference in Science: Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM 97), Eger, Hungary, 21-25 May 1997.
- Quantum field theory at finite temperature and the classical approximation, talk at the PhD School Theoretical High Energy Physics, Dalfsen, the Netherlands, 20-31 Jan 1997.
Ohio State University (2001-2004)
Heidelberg (1999-2001)
Utrecht (1995-1999)
Dynamics in equilibrium and nonequilibrium quantum field theory,
147 pages, October 4, 1999, under supervision of Prof
Jan Smit at the
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the
Netherlands, available upon request.